
Katharina Kuss, the founder of Go Africa has been working as a Research & Development manager and advisor for over 15 years and has a vast experience in bi-regional science technology and innovation (STI) cooperation, particularly in relation to global societal challenges such as health. Her experience in bi regional research cooperation results from her coordination and management of several EU funded projects, particularly as advisor for bi-regional research and innovation cooperation between Europe and Africa. Katharina Kuss has considerable knowledge of African cultures, she holds a Master degree in African Studies from the Humboldt University in Berlin and the University of London. She is a truly European person: born in Poland, educated in Germany and UK, having working experience in Tanzania, Spain and Germany.

Maria Engfer-Kersten advises Go Africa since 2009 on key strategies and public relations. She holds a master degree in communication and has worked in this field for several years in Germany. She worked for the Social Democratic Party and since 2012 she is communication specialist at the labour union Industriegewerkschaft Bergbau, Chemie und Energie (IG BCE).

Patrick Siernicki is Go Africa’s website designer and administrator.